I am trying to convert a pretty basic latex file to docx format using pandoc and am having a slight issue with the in-text citation not being enclosed in parentheses ()
tex doc minimal example
And the bib file looks like:
title = {Resource use and environmental emissions of {US} construction sectors},
volume = {126},
issn = {0733-9364},
number = {1},
journal = {Journal of Construction Engineering and Management},
author = {Hendrickson, Chris and Horvath, Arpad},
year = {2000},
pages = {38--44}
Using an APA citation style, such as: https://github.com/citation-style-language/styles/blob/master/apa-5th-edition.csl I would expect that the in-text citation would be:
(Hendrickson & Horvath, 2000)
...but instead it is:
Hendrickson & Horvath (2000)
I have tried multiple conversion paths, styles and command line options and am not getting any change in the in-text citation despite changes in the overall reference list / bibliography.
My current attempt is:
pandoc -o test.docx test.tex --bibliography References.bibtex --csl apa5.csl
How do I get the intended enclosed in-text citation?