I need help using the View
command in AUCTeX running in Emacs. This is essential for viewing PDFs and without it I can not make TeX documents. In my .emacs
file I have the following (which was created by M-x customize-variable
;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(TeX-view-program-list (quote (("Preview" "\"open -a Preview.app %o\""))))
Now I open up a .tex
document and enter C-c C-c
(I have already compiled):
Emacs gives: Command: (default View)
I hit enter
Emacs gives this default command: View command: dvi2tty -q -w 132
I hit enter and Emacs says: View: done.
but displays nothing in a PDF reader!
is intended for text only devices, and the command actually creates a new buffer in Emacs which attempts to display the PDF file (it is very messy). Anyway, if I replace dvi2tty -q -w 132
with `open -a Preview.app %o' (I am running Mac os X 10.8.4 and Preview is the name of the default PDF reader) then Preview opens the PDF!
- How do I change the default
View command
fromdvi2tty -q -w 132
toopen -a Preview.app %o
All help is greatly appreciated!
C-c C-v
?C-c C-v
runs theView
command without showing what is actually being executed.pdf
for you though?C-h v RET TeX- TAB
to get a list of possible completions and then searched forview