I’m trying to get footnotes set in the paragraph style in plain XeTeX. I’ve pasted the code from fnpara.tex
into the preamble of my document and changed the fonts used in the actual footnotes to Palatino Linotype by pasting:
\font\footnumberfont="Palatino Linotype:mapping=tex-text" at 8pt
\font\footnotesize="Palatino Linotype:mapping=tex-text" at 8pt
after the code from `fnpara'. The main font in my document is set like this:
\font\pala="Palatino Linotype:+onum,mapping=tex-text" at 10pt
I call it by putting `\pala' at the start of the text. Everything works fine except for one thing: the superscript footnote reference numbers in the text block are in Computer Modern (cmr7), which looks strange, since everything else is in Palatino. I’m new to plain (Xe)TeX.
minimum working example:
%!TEX TS-program = xetex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\input eplain
\font\pala="Palatino Linotype:+onum,mapping=tex-text" at 10pt
\font\footnumberfont="Palatino Linotype:mapping=tex-text" at 8pt
\font\footnotesize="Palatino Linotype:mapping=tex-text" at 8pt
Lorem\footnote{First footnote.} ipsum dolor sit amet,\footnote{Second footnote.
(Every once in a while a long footnote might occur, just to make things difficult.)}
consectetur adipisicing\footnote{Third footnote.} elit,
i put the MWE in the question; thanks Torbjørn T.
formatting icon.