My initial question:
I'm writing my lecture notes in LaTeX and used some customized theorem environments with amsthm so far. Now I wanted to redesign those theorems with help of tikzpicture.
That's what I want to do:
- I want the theorem header (Theorem name, Numbering, title) to be within a tikzpicture node. Concretely I want to use tikzpicture's chamfered rectangle option.
- I want the theorem content/body also to be within a tikzpicture node. Currently there only should be a gray background color. But there will be theorems where I want to customize this area as well (e.g. another chamfered rectangle option).
- There shall not be a white spacing between header and body (currently there's some unwanted spacing between them) but I'd like to get an option for a definable (customizable) line to separate the header from the content.
Here's a working code example which describes my problems. Do you have any ideas?
\usepackage{xcolor, tikz}
\usepackage{amsmath, amsfonts, amssymb, amsthm}
{\tikz\node[fill=blue, inner sep=0, chamfered rectangle, chamfered rectangle corners=north east, text width=\textwidth] {
\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ #2}\thmnote{\quad(#3)}
\tikz\node[fill=lightgray, rectangle, text width=\textwidth] {
\tikz\node[fill=lightgray, inner sep=0, chamfered rectangle, chamfered rectangle corners=south east, text width=\textwidth] {
Here's a working definition, but with some unwanted spacing between header and body:
\begin{definition}[One definition]
Text without enumerations and with simple things like formulas:
S_n = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n X_i
Here's the problem I have with enumerate within the body:
\begin{definition}[Problem definition]
Text with a enumeration:
\item One
\item Two
\item $\ldots$
There could also be a theorem like:
\begin{lemma}[Another theorem]
With some text.
Additionally there is a small offset on the right margin of both tikzpictures: The upper header tikzpicture is longer than the body tikzpicture though both are set to textwidth.
Update 1: A modification of Gonzalo Medina's Code:
Thanks to Gonzalo Medina I was able to rework my theorems the way I wanted them to look like. But the following MWE shows a problem with page breaking theorems. Is there a way to avoid those display misbehaviors? I'd like my theorems to stay breakable but they should break correctly.
mytheorem/.code args={#1#2#3#4}{
\pgfkeysalso{title={\setbox\z@=\hbox{#1~\csname the#2\endcsname\ }\hangindent\wd\z@\hangafter=1 \mbox{#1~\csname the#2\endcsname\ }(#3)}}},
frame code={%
([yshift=-7.5pt]frame.north west) -- ([xshift=7.5pt]frame.north west) --
(frame.north east) -- (frame.north east|-interior.north east) --
(frame.north west|-interior.north west) -- cycle;
interior titled code={
(frame.west|-interior.north west) -- (frame.east|-interior.north east) --
(frame.east|-interior.south east) -- (frame.west|-interior.south west) -- cycle;
\path[draw=white, line width=1pt] ([xshift=-1pt]frame.west|-interior.north west) -- ([xshift=1pt]frame.east|-interior.north east);
frame code={%
([yshift=-7.5pt]frame.north west) -- ([xshift=7.5pt]frame.north west) --
(frame.north east) -- (frame.north east|-interior.north east) --
(frame.north west|-interior.north west) -- cycle;
interior titled code={
(frame.west|-interior.north west) -- (frame.east|-interior.north east) --
(frame.east|-interior.south east) -- (frame.west|-interior.south west) -- cycle;
\path[draw=white, line width=1pt] ([xshift=-1pt]frame.west|-interior.north west) -- ([xshift=1pt]frame.east|-interior.north east);
\chapter{A test chapter}
\begin{defi}{Partially ordered set}{poset}
A partial order is a binary relation $\preccurlyeq$ over a set $P$ which is antisymmetric, transitive, and reflexive. A set with a partial order is called a partially ordered set (also called a poset).
\begin{lemm}{Zorn's Lemma}{zorn}
Suppose a non-empty partially ordered set $P$ has the property that every non-empty chain has an upper bound in $P$. Then the set $P$ contains at least one maximal element.
Wir nehmen an, unser System zuf"alliger Punkte erf"ullt folgende Bedingungen:
\item $N_{a,b}$ und $N_{c,d}$ sind stochastisch unabh"angig und $[a,b] \cap [c,d] = \emptyset$. \label{item1:satz:PoissPunktProzess}
\item $N_{a+s,b+s}$ und $N_{a,b}$ haben f"ur alle $s \in [0,\infty)$ die gleiche Verteilung. \label{item2:satz:PoissPunktProzess}
\item Es existiert ein $\lambda > 0$, so dass $\lim_{\Delta t \downarrow 0} \frac{P_1(\Delta t)}{\Delta t} = \lambda$. \label{item3:satz:PoissPunktProzess}
\item Es ist $\lim_{\Delta t \downarrow 0} \frac{P(N_{\Delta t} \geq 2)}{\Delta t} = 0$. \label{item4:satz:PoissPunktProzess}
Dann gilt f"ur $t \geq 0$ bzw. $a,b \in [0,\infty)$, $b > a \geq 0$:
\item $N_t$ ist Poissonverteilt zum Parameter $\lambda t$,
\item $N_{a,b}$ ist Poissonverteilt zum Parameter $\lambda(b-a)$.