In a way I am newbie to Lyx. I am using Ubuntu 11.10 and installed full version of texlive 2012.
I am trying to work out to generate layout file for a journal (Royal Society of Chemistry, RSC) according the format (
This, RSC journal provide .tex, .bib, .bst, and .sty files. I am confused where to place the .sty files and how to use the given .tex with LYX .
I tried to place all the given files (.tex, .bst, .bib, .sty) in a folder in home directory and import the .tex file into LYX. I get error message when compile it with LYX.
Do I need to do any setting?
Many thanks in advance.
files at all: they are included as they are packages outside of the LaTeX kernel used by the template, but are in a modern TeX system like TeX Live 2012. Same goes for the.bst
(which I maintain, and which is in TL2012).