This might be a simple or out of place question, but I have run into so many subtleties of document compilation, that I really just need to understand this from the ground up.
Could someone please explain to me what a standard LaTeX compile chain / chain of events / latex make works? I'd also like to know where font-loading fits in, when tikz gets run, labels get assigned, why pdflatex vs latex etc.
I've seen some online references to 2 * latex, 1 * bibtex, 1 * latex, but I'm looking for a diagram to explain to me how this works, or a reference that explains this in-depth, so I can debug this myself on the command line, instead of being annoyed by an editor with insufficient error message (Process started,Process exited with error(s))
This may sound like a very basic question, but I need an answer - as trying to fix this caused almost a day of writing downtime that could hopefully be avoided in future, if I had a causal chain I could check. My apologies for not doing everything through the CLI to begin with.
) and Question mark instead of citation number (for citations/bibliographic references).