In attempting to compile some TikZ related code by Gonzalo Medina, I am running into difficulties. The code is accessible here:

Creation of a new poster template

Specifically, I am encountering the following error:

! Package pgfkeys Error: I do not know the key '/tcb/library/breakable' and I a
m going to ignore it. Perhaps you misspelled it.

See the pgfkeys package documentation for explanation.
Type  H <return>  for immediate help.

l.13 \tcbuselibrary{skins,theorems,breakable}


Could you suggest how I might approach this problem?

EDIT: I have added the code I'm using below:




  frame code={%
  \path[draw=black,rounded corners,fill=white,drop shadow]
    (frame.south west) rectangle (frame.north east);
  title code={
  \path[top color=myblue!30,bottom color=myblue!0.5,rounded corners,draw=none]
    ([xshift=\pgflinewidth,yshift=-\pgflinewidth]frame.north west) rectangle ([xshift=-\pgflinewidth]frame.south east|-title.south east);
  ([xshift=5pt,yshift=-\pgflinewidth]frame.north west) to[out=0,in=180] ([xshift=50pt,yshift=-5pt]title.south west) -- ([xshift=-50pt,yshift=-5pt]title.south east) to[out=0,in=180] ([xshift=-5pt,yshift=-\pgflinewidth]frame.north east) -- cycle;
  center title,





 \Titlefont\@InsertTitle \\
 \Authorfont\@InsertAuthor \\
 \Institutefont\@InsertInstitute \\
 \Emailfont\@InsertEmail \\
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
  (current page.north west) -- (current page.north east) --
  ([yshift=-0.5\TitleHt]current page.north east) to[out=270,in=0] 
  ([yshift=-\TitleHt,xshift=-60pt]current page.north east) -- 
  ([yshift=-\TitleHt,xshift=60pt]current page.north west) to[out=180,in=270]
  ([yshift=-0.5\TitleHt]current page.north west) -- cycle;
  (current page.north west) -- (current page.north east) --
  ([yshift=-0.5\TitleHt]current page.north east) to[out=270,in=0] 
  ([yshift=-\TitleHt,xshift=-60pt]current page.north east) -- 
  ([yshift=-\TitleHt,xshift=60pt]current page.north west) to[out=180,in=270]
  ([yshift=-0.5\TitleHt]current page.north west) -- cycle;
\path[top color=myblue!15,bottom color=myblue!65] 
  (current page.north east) .. controls
    ([yshift=-0.2\TitleHt,xshift=-50pt]current page.north east) 
    and ([yshift=-0.7\TitleHt,xshift=0pt]current page.north east) ..
  ([yshift=-1.1\TitleHt,xshift=-90pt]current page.north east)  .. controls
    ([yshift=-0.8\TitleHt,xshift=5pt]current page.north east) 
    and ([yshift=-0.2\TitleHt,xshift=-22pt]current page.north east) ..
  (current page.north east);
\path[top color=myblue!15,bottom color=myblue!65] 
  (current page.north east) .. controls
    ([yshift=-0.2\TitleHt,xshift=-90pt]current page.north east) 
    and ([yshift=-0.7\TitleHt,xshift=-20pt]current page.north east) ..
  ([yshift=-1.1\TitleHt,xshift=-110pt]current page.north east)  .. controls
    ([yshift=-0.8\TitleHt,xshift=-15pt]current page.north east) 
    and ([yshift=-0.2\TitleHt,xshift=-62pt]current page.north east) ..
  (current page.north east);
\node[anchor=south,text width=\paperwidth,align=center] at ([yshift=\the\dimexpr-\TitleHt+0.25cm\relax]current page.north) {\box0};

\InsertTitle{The Title of the Presentation}
\InsertAuthor{The Author}
\InsertInstitute{The Name of the Institution}



\begin{block}{Title of a block}

\begin{block}{Title of a block}
\begin{block}{Title of a block}

\begin{block}{Title of a block}
\begin{block}{Title of a block}

\begin{block}{Title of a block}
\begin{block}{Title of a block}
\begin{block}{Title of a block}

\begin{block}{Title of a block}


  • 1
    Did you include \usepackage{tcolorbox}? If yes, then probably you need to update your TeX distro for the newest versions.
    – percusse
    Commented Jun 28, 2013 at 8:34
  • Thanks for the suggestions. I do indeed have tcolorbox included and I have updated TeX Live to the latest version. Unfortunately, I am still encountering the same problem. I've added the code I'm using to the original post.
    – d3pd
    Commented Jun 28, 2013 at 10:43
  • 2
    I can confirm that your code compiles with no problems for me using TL2013. Add \listfiles at the start of your document and then cut-and-paste the resulting list into your question. (It might help to prune the package list before doing this, I don't believe that all those packages are needed to reproduce the problem.) Commented Jun 28, 2013 at 10:47
  • 1
    I also can confirm that the code compiles with MikTeX on my maschine with no problems. A thinkable problem could be a 'half-installed' tcolorbox package (if installed manually). Be sure that tcolorbox.sty and ALL *.code.tex files with identical version numbers are installed. Starting from version 2.31 the packages makes an automated check for the correct library versions. By the way: I think for this application you do not need 'breakable' at all (?). Commented Jun 28, 2013 at 11:33
  • This question appears to be off-topic because it is about an issue which can't be reproduced by others (see comments).
    – Joseph Wright
    Commented Aug 21, 2013 at 8:03


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