I am rewriting a paper, and stumble over this problem where algorithms are missing in my appendix. I was able to reproduce the problem.

The following code only display 2 out of the 4 algorithms on the first page, then the figure, then nothing else. If I shorten the algorithms, all 4 appear on the first page. But I cannot in reality shorten my algorithms. You can find the style file sigplanconf.cls here.

Why does it disappear?

\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % set input encoding (not needed with XeLaTeX)


\KwData{The data} \KwResult{The result}
initialize \;
\ForEach{s $\in$ g} {
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;

\KwData{The data} \KwResult{The result}
initialize \;
\ForEach{s $\in$ g} {
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
\caption{Other code generation}


\KwData{The data} \KwResult{The result}

initialize \;
\ForEach{s $\in$ g} {
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;
   Do something \;

\caption{Last code generation}


\caption{Additional screen shot }
  • 1
    In the concrete code from the MWE, adding \renewcommand{\topfraction}{0.45} (the class sets \topfraction to 0.9) in the preamble solves the problem, but could have undesired side effects. Why the algorithms disappear is a mystery to me. Commented Jul 3, 2013 at 2:56
  • This post can help:tex.stackexchange.com/questions/48790/…
    – user33333
    Commented Jul 7, 2013 at 10:30
  • 4
    I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because the problem can no longer be reproduced. A package update fixed any issues related to this question.
    – Werner
    Commented Jul 2, 2016 at 4:01

1 Answer 1


As of today with

  • pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16
  • LaTeX2e <2016/02/01>
  • sigplanconf 2013/07/02 v2.8
  • algorithm2e v5.1

all four algorithms appear. Algorithm2e was updated recently.

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