When I put \usecolortheme{beaver} in the preamble I get grey slides as opposed to the expected beaver color theme. If I use any other color theme, they work fine. The beamercolorthemebeaver.sty file is properly installed. Why is this happening? Why do all color themes work, except this one?

Could it be a color issue more than a theme color issue?

Sorry, adding sample code below.



  \frametitle{This is a slide example}


The result is that instead of having the corresponding color theme, it comes out on a scale of grays. Issue happens only with beaver color theme.

the example slide

  • Welcome to TeX.SX! Please add a minimal working example (MWE) that illustrates your problem. It will be much easier for us to reproduce your situation and find out what the issue is when we see compilable code, starting with \documentclass{...} and ending with \end{document}. Jul 2, 2013 at 12:21
  • The beaver sample in the beamer manual is mostly grey colors in the background with red text in headers. This is also what I get from your sample code. See meta.tex.stackexchange.com/a/2137/15925 for uploading of images. Jul 2, 2013 at 12:47
  • I cannot reproduce your problem. The above code yields red stripe and red title with pdflatex, xelatex, lualatex and latex→dvips→ps2pdf.
    – Toscho
    Jul 2, 2013 at 19:16
  • Same that Toscho. Is not a coding problem.
    – Fran
    Jul 2, 2013 at 23:41
  • Well... I guess i'll compile it somewhere else. Thanks anyway!
    – juancito
    Jul 3, 2013 at 7:15

1 Answer 1


Your example results to a coloured frame as the picture below shows.

However your output is the result after a usage of the option gray of the package (x)color. So I guess you are using somewhere in your preamble something like this




enter image description here

  • No, I am not using that in the preamble. I'm running the same example I show above. So, all I have in the preamble is: \documentclass{beamer} \usetheme{Montpellier} \usecolortheme{beaver}. When I run my example, the slide comes out in grey, as shown above.
    – juancito
    Jul 8, 2013 at 12:38
  • Notice that this issue only happens for beaver color theme. I DO NOT get grey scale for the other color themes.
    – juancito
    Jul 8, 2013 at 12:41

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