I want to make the tick labels tiny in size. Additionally, I need to hide the z-axis. Finally, I would like to suppress the y-axis tick labels.
Update: Red was able to help with the tick label size, as well as correctly hiding the z-axis. Lastly, the ticks on the y-axis were suppressed. The complete solution is included in my code.
- Leave the z-axis in and the labels are too big. See the left image.
- Remove the z-axis and all labels go away, which is not what I need either. Also, two strange, short lines appear toward the top of the graph when I remove the z-axis. See the right image.
Here is an image of the correct solution. (Note: Made irrelevant adjustments to the square size.)
compat=1.8, % Allows drawing of circles.
axis line style=help lines,
axis x line=center,
axis y line=center,
axis z line=center,
every axis/.append style={font=\tiny},
hide z axis,
xmin=-1.25, xmax=1.25,
ymin=-1.25, ymax=1.25,
zmin=0, zmax=2.5,
% Draw Square
\draw[green] (axis cs: -0.86602540378,0.5,0) --
(axis cs: -0.86602540378,-0.5,0) --
(axis cs: -0.86602540378,-0.5,1) --
(axis cs: -0.86602540378,0.5,1) --
(axis cs: -0.86602540378,0.5,0);
\draw[blue] (axis cs: 0,0,0)
ellipse [
x radius=1, y radius=1];
\vspace{0.5 cm}