I'm using the following source:


        &t_m & = & \alpha_1(m_1) & \oplus & \alpha_2(m_2) & \oplus & \cdots & \oplus & \alpha_{m-1}(m_{m-1}) & \oplus & \alpha_{m}(0) \oplus \gamma_{m-1}(0) \oplus m_m0^* \\
        &t_a & = & \alpha_1(a_1) & \oplus & \alpha_2(a_2) & \oplus & \cdots & \oplus & \alpha_{a-1}(a_{a-1}) & \oplus & \alpha_{a}(a_a0^*)

I would expect to get a nicely aligned formula with proper spacing between the elements, with the first line extending further than the second. Instead I get this:

enter image description here

What am I doing wrong?

  • I cannot reproduce your result. It is perfectly aligned for me. Commented Jul 13, 2013 at 7:28
  • @karlkoeller: I am not using this tool for my paper, but just for demonstration the problem also appears (not as badly though) using writelatex: writelatex.com/268839jtnqlb . Sometimes there's excessive spacing - sometimes none at all.
    – orlp
    Commented Jul 13, 2013 at 7:31

2 Answers 2


Perhaps the alignedat environment is more suitable here.

\usepackage{mathtools}  % loads »amsmath«

        t_m &= \alpha_1(m_1) &&\oplus\alpha_2(m_2) &&\oplus\cdots\oplus\alpha_{m-1}(m_{m-1}) &&\oplus\alpha_{m}(0) &&\oplus \gamma_{m-1}(0) \oplus m_m0^* \\
        t_a &= \alpha_1(a_1) &&\oplus\alpha_2(a_2) &&\oplus\cdots\oplus\alpha_{a-1}(a_{a-1}) &&\oplus\alpha_{a}(a_a0^*)

For a comprehensive explanation have a look at the »Math mode« document.

enter image description here

  • That looks beautiful, let me try that out.
    – orlp
    Commented Jul 13, 2013 at 7:39

Your code works perfectly fine for me. However, I suspect that a missing ampersand pair caused your problem. For instance, the code (notice the missing ampersands between \oplus and \alpha_2(m_2)):

    &t_m &= &\alpha_1(m_1) & \oplus \alpha_2(m_2) & \oplus & \cdots & \oplus & \alpha_{m-1}(m_{m-1}) & \oplus & \alpha_{m}(0) \oplus \gamma_{m-1}(0) \oplus m_m0^* \\
    &t_a &= &\alpha_1(a_1) & \oplus \alpha_2(a_2) & \oplus & \cdots & \oplus & \alpha_{a-1}(a_{a-1}) & \oplus & \alpha_{a}(a_a0^*)

gives me exactly what you got there.

enter image description here

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