I would like to draw an arrow (ray of light) overlayed with perpendicular double headed arrows and circles (to show both s & p polarisation), but I am struggling with decoration commands. I have included what I have so far, can you help me get further?

What I currently have:

What I currently have

(Nasty mockup of) what I would like:

what I would like

\usepackage{tikz, pgfplots}


    \draw [red, line width=1mm, <-]  (0,0) -- (150:5.2)
        mark=between positions 0.2 and 0.9 step 0.2 with {\arrow[red, line width=1mm]{|};}
        mark=between positions 0.3 and 0.9 step 0.2 with {\circle{8};}


1 Answer 1


The markings have a local coordinate system with x direction along the tangent and y direction along the normal so you can draw things using that coord system.



    \draw [red, line width=1mm, <-, 
        mark=between positions 0.2 and 0.9 step 0.2 with {\draw [<->,red,thin] (0,-2mm) -- (0,2mm);}
        mark=between positions 0.3 and 0.9 step 0.2 with {\draw[thin,blue] circle (3pt);}
         (0,0) -- (150:5.2);       


enter image description here


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