I implemented the first diagram in TikZ. All the coloring stuff has been outsourced to \tikzset
so it is easy to change the style of the drawing.
level/.style = {
ultra thick,
connect/.style = {
notice/.style = {
rectangle callout,
callout relative pointer={#1}
label/.style = {
text width=2cm
% Draw all levels
\draw[level] (0,0) -- node[above] {4p4d} (2,0);
\draw[connect] (2,0) -- (3,-2) (2,0) -- (3,3);
\draw[level] (3,3) -- node[above] {$S=0$} node[below] {(Singlets)} (5,3);
\draw[level] (3,-2) -- node[above] {$S=1$} node[below] {(Triplets)} (5,-2);
\draw[connect] (5,3) -- (6,4.5) (5,3) -- (6,3.5) (5,3) -- (6,1.5);
\draw[connect] (5,-2) -- (6,-0.5) (5,-2) -- (6,-1.5) (5,-2) -- (6,-3.5);
\draw[level] (6,4.5) -- node[above] {${}^1P$} (8,4.5);
\draw[level] (6,3.5) -- node[above] {${}^1D$} (8,3.5);
\draw[level] (6,1.5) -- node[above] {${}^1F$} (8,1.5);
\draw[level] (6,-0.5) -- node[above] {${}^3P$} (8,-0.5);
\draw[level] (6,-1.5) -- node[above] {${}^3D$} (8,-1.5);
\draw[level] (6,-3.5) -- node[above] {${}^3F$} (8,-3.5);
\draw[connect] (8,4.5) -- (9,4.5) (8,3.5) -- (9,3.5) (8,1.5) -- (9,1.5);
\draw[level] (9,4.5) -- (11,4.5) node[right] {${}^1P_1$};
\draw[level] (9,3.5) -- (11,3.5) node[right] {${}^1D_2$};
\draw[level] (9,1.5) -- (11,1.5) node[right] {${}^1F_3$};
\draw[connect] (8,-0.5) -- (9,-0.5) (8,-0.5) -- (9,-0.8) (8,-0.5) -- (9,-1)
(8,-1.5) -- (9,-1.6) (8,-1.5) -- (9,-1.8) (8,-1.5) -- (9,-1.3)
(8,-3.5) -- (9,-3.8) (8,-3.5) -- (9,-3.6) (8,-3.5) -- (9,-3.1);
\foreach \i/\j in {2/-0.5, 1/-0.8, 0/-1} {
\draw[level] (9,\j) -- (11,\j) node[right] {\scriptsize $\i$};
\node[level,right] at (11.5,-0.8) {${}^3P_{0,1,2}$};
\foreach \i/\j in {3/-1.3, 2/-1.6, 1/-1.8} {
\draw[level] (9,\j) -- (11,\j) node[right] {\scriptsize $\i$};
\node[level,right] at (11.5,-1.6) {${}^3D_{1,2,3}$};
\foreach \i/\j in {4/-3.1, 3/-3.6, 2/-3.8} {
\draw[level] (9,\j) -- (11,\j) node[right] {\scriptsize $\i$};
\node[level,right] at (11.5,-3.6) {${}^3F_{2,3,4}$};
% Draw labels
\node[label] at (4,5.5) {Spin-spin interaction};
\node[label] at (7,5.5) {Orbit-orbit interaction};
\node[label] at (10,5.5) {Spin-orbit interaction};
% Draw annotations
\node[notice={(0.5,0.5)},text width=1.5cm] at (2,-3) {Hunds rule \# 1};
\node[notice={(0,1)}] at (4,-4) {Why is triplet lower};
\node[notice={(0.7,0.7)},text width=3cm] at (6,-5) {Why is higher angular momentum state lower energy?};
\node[notice={(-0.9,0.9)},text width=1.5cm] at (9,-5) {Hunds rule \# 2};
\node[notice={(-0.2,1.6)},text width=3cm] at (11,-6.5) {Why is low total angular momentum state lower in energy?};
\node[notice={(-0.5,0.5)},text width=1.5cm] at (12,-5) {Hunds rule \# 3};
package, which does atomic/molecular orbitals), but 'easy to handle' will depend on your requirements. Perhaps you could illustrate what sort of input you are hoping to use so we can gauge how easy this might be.