I use in my document boxes created with tcolorbox package. Each box can cover few pages in document, and I would like to add some footnotes inside the box. But I want the footnotes to occur together with the standard footnotes in my document, so I use \footnotemark inside the box. But there is a problem. Each footnote should occur at the bottom of the page on which it appears, not after box.
Do you have any suggestions?
I've found this topic, but it didn't help me.
blank,breakable,parbox=false,check odd page,left=2cm,
toggle left and right}
\textbf{And here I would like to add first footnote\footnotemark. At the bottom of this page.}
\textbf{And after some text, here should be second footnote\footnotemark. At the bottom of this page.}
\addtocounter{footnote}{-1}\footnotetext{first footnote}
\addtocounter{footnote}{1}\footnotetext{second footnote}