I'd like to typeset a bunch of small 3x3 matrices to describe generators of certain ideals, as in this paper, p7.
Using smallmatrix works beautifully as long as I only want circles and bullets, but when I try to use multirow to merge cells and put a square across four entries of the matrix, it simply doesn't work. It works in the standard matrix or array environments, but they're far too large for what I need.
I've also tried How to model {smallmatrix} with {array}? but the squares get shrunk and it doesn't quite look right. Since I don't really understand the code in that thread, I don't know how to edit it to make it do what I want. I think it would be fine if I could make the squares a bit bigger.
Here is the code that hopefully illustrates what I'm trying to do. The smallarray environment comes directly from the thread I linked to above.
When there's no cells to merge, both smallmatrix (left) and smallarray (right) work fine.
\circ & \circ & \bullet \\
\circ & \circ &\bullet \\
\circ & \circ & \circ
\circ & \circ & \bullet \\
\circ & \circ &\bullet \\
\circ & \circ & \circ
But when we try to merge some cells...
\circ & \ZZ \\
\circ & & \\
\circ & \circ & \circ
\circ & \ZZ \\
\circ & & \\
\circ & \circ & \circ
...smallmatrix just doesn't work. The second one is almost right and I'd happily just use that, but I also need a matrix of this form:
\circ & \ZZ \\
\ZZ &\\
& & \circ
and that's really not quite right.
Any hints or suggestions would be appreciated.
can't work insmallmatrix