I have R code that produces latex code like:

\multicolumn{1}{c}{x} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{y} \\
[1, 5) &  1 \\
[1, 5) &  2 \\
[5, 8) &  5 \\
[5, 8) &  7 \\
[8,10] &  8 \\
[8,10] & 10 \\

And this is producing math errors:

! LaTeX Error: Bad math environment delimiter.

How do I prevent this from happening? I'd like the square brackets to be printed as-is since they represent intervals - previously in the office a workaround of switching to a { has been done but it looks terrible!

I've read around but not seen anything specific about preventing latex from entering math-mode. However, I'm new to this so I'm probably using the wrong keywords!


I'm producing the code inside knitr chunks with the following parameters:


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  • 1
    a square bracket after \` in a tabular` is always assumed to indicate a dimension. if you are instead presenting data, always wrap the bracketed expression in braces to avoid misinterpretation. Commented Jul 21, 2013 at 17:59
  • 1
    Are you able to group (surround by braces {..}) the ranges or insert something before the first [ on every line? LaTeX gets confused, expecting a length if you follow \\ by [.
    – Werner
    Commented Jul 21, 2013 at 17:59
  • So simply adding in the code for a space? Commented Jul 21, 2013 at 18:01
  • 2
    @StephLocke: Yes, or you could add {} before each element.
    – Werner
    Commented Jul 21, 2013 at 18:02
  • Thank you both very much! So simple but {} really did the trick. If you'd like to put it as an answer I'll mark it as accepted Commented Jul 21, 2013 at 18:12

2 Answers 2


Your use of (snippet)

[1, 5) &  2 \\
[5, 8) &  5 \\

is interpreted (visually) as

       &  1 \\[1, 5) 
       &  2 \\[5, 8)
       &  5 \\[5, 8)

since LaTeX expects an optional argument after \\ to contain a length/dimension. The easiest work-around is to insert a non-[ after \\, like {} (an empty group). For example:

  \multicolumn{1}{c}{x} & \multicolumn{1}{c}{y} \\
  {}[1, 5) &  1 \\
  {}[1, 5) &  2 \\
  {}[5, 8) &  5 \\
  {}[5, 8) &  7 \\
  {}[8,10] &  8 \\
  {}[8,10] & 10 \\

The first {} is not needed, but I've inserted it for a consistent look in the code.


As a follow up to @Werner's excellent explanation, as I was using R I created a sanitise function to use instead of the default xtable::sanitize function that escapes these appropriately.

The package optiRum can be downloaded for the sanitise function to be used.

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