I am creating several commutative diagrams with diagonal arrows, and I'm so close to the look I want. My last step is to be able to create double head arrows and hook arrows of length x. I found an answer to the double head arrow problem here: Is it possible to have a two head arrow as a decorator?. The same solution doesn't work for the hook arrow, though, because it has 'decorations' on both ends.
It looks like lots of people have similar problems, but I haven't been able to find a solution other than creating the arrow in tikz, which doesn't seem terribly dynamic. Thanks for any help.
As per request, my MWE is
F_1 & \multicolumn{3}{c}{\xrightarrow{\mathmakebox[1cm]{\phi_1}}} & F_0 & \overset{\phi_0} \twoheadrightarrow & M \\
& \begin{turn}{-45}$\Overrightarrow{\mathmakebox[.7cm]{}}$\end{turn} & & \begin{turn}{45}$\hookrightarrow$\end{turn} & & & \\
& & \ker(\phi_0) & & & &
Which gives me
As you can see, the double headed angled arrow looks adequate, save for the thickness that I think I can fix, but I want to make the hook arrow look similar.
package- it has all kinds of useful examples