Although many academic journals readily accept submissions in some format of TeX, indeed some enlightened ones insist on it, it is rare that one can simply send exactly the same document that one has been working on as a submission. Most journals insist on authors using their "house class file", and some have specific style files that define "common macros". Some journals further make one or both of the following demands:
- That the submission be a single file,
- That all unnecessary macros be removed.
For example in BioMed Central TeX template files (the linked page seems to be an unofficial copy, but I could not find an official one online), Sections 2.2 and 2.3 say:
2.2: In order to submit a manuscript as a .tex file to BioMed Central, you must
- use the BioMed Central template
- format your references with BibTeX using the bmc_article.bst style file
- not rely on any non-standard macros, classes or files
2.3: Make sure that you only a single .tex document for the entire manuscript, as you will need to upload it as a single file (together with its associated formatted bibliography file). Do not use the \input command to include other .tex files.
Obviously, some journals adhere to these more strictly than others and the first thing to do is to determine whether these requests are enforced or not (and what, exactly, is considered "non-standard"). So let us suppose that this has been done and the answer is: yes, these are enforced. Then the question is: how does one do this?
In all likelihood, there is not a simple answer, in which case it will be extremely valuable to know what strategies and workflows others have employed. (But please do not name-and-shame journals who make these requests. It may not be the journal but the publisher, and I'm sure that the journals could provide equally horrific stories of the TeX-mangling that they've received.)
One thing to take note of is that the additional files may not just be style files or bibliography files but images as well. For example, in the BioMed instructions given above, the reason given for this request is that the upload is to be a single file (and let us, for the sake of argument, assume that archived files are not allowed).
Thus we can divide this into various scenarios:
The journal asks that the submission contain only one TeX file. So image files and bibliography files are fine as extras. We assume also that it is possible to identify which extra files should be included, but they may be a combination of user-written style files and packages downloaded from CTAN. The task is to fold all of these in to a single file. How do we make these in to a single file, and what pitfalls are there to be aware of?
The journal asks that the submission contain only one file in total. Now we wish to embed non-standard type files into our TeX file. Is this possible? and if so, how, and what pitfalls are there to be wary of?
The journal asks that unnecessary macros/commands be removed. Are there any strategies for going through a document and identifying those commands which have been defined but never used?