I am using JabRef with Lyx with the jurabib-style. Everything worked fine, but lately I get error messages when inserting new literature citations. I am not sure what the problem is.
The error message is:
\usepackage[format=plain, font = scriptsize]{caption}
\usepackage{rotating} \usepackage{url} \usepackage{eso-pic}
\usepackage{wallpaper} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \usepackage{pdfpages}
\usepackage{nomencl} \usepackage{graphicx}
\usepackage[nottoc]{tocbibind} \usepackage{appendix}
\usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{float}
\jurabibsetup{ authorformat={smallcaps, abbrv}, oxford={true},
titleformat={italics} }
\AtBeginDocument{ \renewcommand{\bibname} {References}
\renewcommand{\nomname} {List of Abbreviations} \let\ref\autoref }
% wenn pdflatex benutzt wird: \usepackage{ifpdf} \ifpdf
% Fonts fuer huebschere PDF-Ansichten
\fi % Ende von: wenn pdflatex benutzt wird
And the JabRef entry looks like this (but I've had the problem with other entries and solved it by copying everything in an older version of my document, don't know why that worked):
type: Master thesis
title: Habitat Observation of the White-winged Guan - Internship Report
author: Elena Wenz
School: Hochschule fuer Nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde
Year: 2013
Sorry if it's a stupid question, I'm quite new to all this and didn't find a solution.
references, because special characters are included and sometimes not escaped. What kind of Error message do you get?