I have a figure and a table placed next to one another, but they are wider than the textwidth. Now I want to center them so they exceed the textwidth margins. Can this be done?

Edit: currently I have something like this, but I can't seem to get this wider than the textwidth.

  \caption{figure caption}%
\begin{tabular}{ |c|}
  • 1
    Please post a Mininal Working Example (MWE)!
    – Jagath
    Commented Jul 28, 2013 at 13:52
  • possible duplicate of Center figure that is wider than \textwidth Commented Jul 28, 2013 at 14:00
  • @ThorstenDonig But how to do this with a table and a figure (instead of 2 figs)?
    – MaVe
    Commented Jul 28, 2013 at 14:03
  • My comment was based on the first version of your question which did not contain any code. A self-contained and minimal example could help to solve the problem. A code snippet is not very helpful. Commented Jul 28, 2013 at 14:19

1 Answer 1


Using \DeclareMarginSet, you can declare a margin set allowing you to hang the object on both margins (there are predefined settings hangleft, hangright for each margin individually, but not for both of them simultaneouly); then, you can invoke this margin set together with an appropriate value for floatwidth and rowfill=yes. Something along these lines:

\usepackage{lipsum}% just to generate text for the example



  {\caption{figure caption}\label{figure}}
  column1a & column2a & column3a \\
  column1b & column2b & column3b \\
  column1c & column2c  & column3c \\
  column1d & column2d & column3d


enter image description here

The option [!ht] was only used for the example; I am bot recommending its use.

To have the caption for the table below it (although it's usual for table captions to appear above the table), you can use \floatbox instead of \ttabbox for the table and perhaps do some additional adjustment for the vertical alignment using heightadjust and valign:




  {\caption{figure caption}\label{figure}}
  column1a & column2a & column3a \\
  column1b & column2b & column3b \\
  column1c & column2c & column3c \\
  column1d & column2d & column3d


enter image description here

  • Thanks, that's what I needed. Any idea on how to put the caption under the table?
    – MaVe
    Commented Jul 28, 2013 at 15:12
  • @MaVe: Tables have their captions above. Commented Jul 28, 2013 at 15:15
  • @ThorstenDonig And can you force the caption to be under the table?
    – MaVe
    Commented Jul 28, 2013 at 15:16
  • 1
    @MaVe please see my updated answer. Commented Jul 28, 2013 at 16:23

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