In relation to this quesion:
How can one place nodes along a rotated ellipse? ()
It is not clear to me how your code will look like that draws a rotated ellipse. The code in the linked answer can be simply rotated as a whole by \begin{tikzpicture}[rotate=60]
\draw (2,0) ellipse (2 and 1);
\node[draw,fill=blue,circle,text=white] at ($(2,0)+(75:2 and 1)$) {A};
\node[draw,fill=red,circle,text=white] at ($(2,0)+(275:2 and 1)$) {B};
If you want the node contents to be rotated too, then use transform shape
like \begin{tikzpicture}[rotate=60,transform shape]
in the above code.
To address the query in the comments:
To hide the ellipse itself you may
comment out the entire line
\draw (2,0) ellipse (2 and 1);
use draw=none
as the option
\path[draw=none] (2,0) ellipse (2 and 1);
Some sample code for fun:
\foreach \x/\y in {0/A,30/B,60/C,90/D,120/E,150/F,180/G,210/H,240/I,270/J,300/K,330/L}{
\node[draw=none,minimum width=10pt,fill=blue!60!green!30,circle,text=white,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] at ($(2,0)+(\x:2 and 1)$) {\y};
You can also use an arc to draw the ellipse, which allows you to place the nodes a specified distance along the border of the ellipse:
\draw [rotate=30, x radius=2cm, y radius=1cm, delta angle=360] (0,0)
arc [start angle=0]
node [pos=0.13] {A}
node [pos=0.75] {B};