I am using nomencl package and I have grouped Nomenclature section into List of Abbreviations and List of Symbols. The order in List of Symbols is not what I wanted. how is it possible to sort the List of Symbols subsection manually. the sample code is:

 \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{A}}{\item[\bfseries\sffamily\large{List of Abbreviations}]}{
 \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{S}}{\item[\bfseries\sffamily\large{List of Symbols}]}{}}
\nomenclature[a]{PDF}{Probability Density Function}
\nomenclature[s]{$\gamma$}{Phase noise}
\nomenclature[s]{$\jmath$}{Imaginary unit}
\nomenclature[s]{$a$}{Vector of unknowns}
\nomenclature[s]{$\hat{a}$}{Vector of floats}
\nomenclature[s]{$\check{a}$}{Vector of fixed}

the order in symbol group will output as: $\check{a}$ , $\gamma$, $\hat{a}$, $\jmath$ and $a$ so I want to manually sort it into $a$, $\hat{a}$, $\check{a}$, $\gamma$ and $\jmath$ as an example.


1 Answer 1


You can append numbers after the letter s, starting with the second item:

\nomenclature[a]{PDF}{Probability Density Function}
\nomenclature[s3]{$\gamma$}{Phase noise}
\nomenclature[s4]{$\jmath$}{Imaginary unit}
\nomenclature[s]{$a$}{Vector of unknowns}
\nomenclature[s1]{$\hat{a}$}{Vector of floats}
\nomenclature[s2]{$\check{a}$}{Vector of fixed}

For example, with



 \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{A}}{\item[\bfseries\sffamily\large{List of Abbreviations}]}{
 \ifthenelse{\equal{#1}{S}}{\item[\bfseries\sffamily\large{List of Symbols}]}{}}





\nomenclature[a]{PDF}{Probability Density Function}
\nomenclature[s3]{$\gamma$}{Phase noise}
\nomenclature[s4]{$\jmath$}{Imaginary unit}
\nomenclature[s]{$a$}{Vector of unknowns}
\nomenclature[s1]{$\hat{a}$}{Vector of floats}
\nomenclature[s2]{$\check{a}$}{Vector of fixed}


you will have

enter image description here


If you have more than 10 items, append 01, 02, ..., instead of 1, 2, ... ; 001, 002, ... if you have more than 100 items

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