Just to let people know, this is the beautiful code you cite, written by Martin Scharrer:
\if #1t%
\if #2p%
\if #2p%
\if #1t%
\if #1b%
\if #2p\relax
\adjustbox{trim=0 0 {.5\width} 0,clip}{\includegraphics[width=2\mywidth]{#3}}}%
\if #1b\else
\if #2p%
\if #1b%
\if #2p%
\if #1t%
\if #2p%
\adjustbox{trim={.5\width} 0 0 0,clip}{\includegraphics[width=2\mywidth]{#3}}}%
\if #2p%
\if #1b%
To achieve what you want, replace the two lines:
so to have
\if #1t%
\if #2p%
\if #2p%
\if #1t%
\if #1b%
\if #2p\relax
\adjustbox{trim=0 0 {.5\width} 0,clip}{\includegraphics[width=2\mywidth]{#3}}}%
\if #1b\else
\if #2p%
\if #1b%
\if #2p%
\if #1t%
\if #2p%
\adjustbox{trim={.5\width} 0 0 0,clip}{\includegraphics[width=2\mywidth]{#3}}}%
\if #2p%
\if #1b%
Now use the command \twopagepicture
in this way:
when you DON'T want the abbreviated caption (note the double braces in the last argument), and
\twopagepicture{t}{p}{image}{[abbreviation]{Other test with
very very very very very very very very very very very
very very very very very very very very very very very
very very very very very very very very very very very
long caption}}
when you DO want the abbreviated caption ([abbreviation]
in this case).
, they'll be marked as code, as can be seen in my edit. You can also highlight the code and click the "code" button (with "{}" on it).