I'm preparing a book (text only) using the scrbook
class of the KOMA-Script that in the end should have A5 sized pages. To do that, I have to prepare a PDF that has slightly larger pages, since the printer will crop 3.15mm from all edges (bleed). This I can obtain with the class option paper=15.44cm:21.62cm
Now, I'd like to apply the box construction method presented in the KOMA-Script documentation. I can correct the page area for the binding using BCOR=...
This length is then disregarded before applying the box construction.
However, since the printer crops 3.15mm after printing my oversized A5 pdf, the final pages won't respect the box construction method which was applied on the oversized A5 paper (minus the binding correction). Basically, I'd need a similar setting to BCOR
that takes into account the bleed before applying the box construction, right? How do I achieve that?
I've seen this answer, but it doesn't seem to follow the box construction method for the page layout.