I just noticed that footnotes on the first and last page of a document get placed differently as demonstrated in this MWE. In this particular example, the problem shows up in a two-column document where the second column is seen by LaTeX to act in the role of the last page.


This is a short section\footnote{Hello}


This is a short section\footnote{Hello}


For the purposes of my document, the left and right columns should be identically typeset. So, I'm not happy that the footnotes get placed differently. What I would prefer is that both footnotes get placed as the first footnote in the left hand column.

Any ideas how to do this?

  • Interesting.... could you write that up as a solution?
    – A.Ellett
    Commented Aug 30, 2013 at 23:36

1 Answer 1


The \pagebreak command tells LaTeX to break the current page at the point of the command. With the optional argument, a number, you can convert the \pagebreak command from a demand to a request. (For details refer to this answer by egreg). If you don't specify the options, then number 4 is assumed and a page break is inserted immediately.

Coming to your mwe, the \pagebreak is called with only one line of text without any optional arguments. Hence, you have insisted (demanded) for a page break immediately whereas the second page/column gets shipped out naturally. If you want second column to be identical to first column, put a \pagebreak after the second column also.


This is a short section\footnote{Hello}


This is a short section\footnote{Hello}
\pagebreak %% put here

enter image description here

You may play with the optional arguments (\pagebreak[1], number from 0-4).

However using \newpage or \clearpage will give you different results as in these cases, the page is broken at the end.

May be useful:

  1. pagebreak-vs-newpage

  2. when-do-i-need-invoke-clearpage-manually

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