I have installed Tex live 2013 Version 3.1415926 and I want to install the package mdframed.
My first try was to enter in the terminal
tlmgr install mdframed
but the terminal responded to me that I am not allowed to do that. When I entered
sudo tlmgr install mdframed
I gained the message "tlmgr: command not found". So I typed
sudo -i
added the tex path in /root/.bashrc and finally entered
tlmgr install mdframed
tlmgr update mdframed
and it worked! But if I compile my latex file the error
! LaTeX Error: File `mdframed.sty' not found.
remains. Any Idea how to solve it?
EDIT: Output of
kpsewhich mdframed.sty
kpsewhich mdframed.sty
.pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (TeX Live 2009/Debian)
instead of Tex Live 2013. Can you tell me how to change that?