I wish design 3 plots (A, B and C) in the form of:

                        |               |
          A             |               |
                        |               |
------------------------+        C      |
                        |               |
          B             |               |
                        |               |

I am using PGFPLOTS package, I check the groupplot section in the user's guide but I didn't figure out how to deal with this disposition.


1 Answer 1


This is one solution using Jake suggestion. Clearly you have to eliminate some ticks or to move them on the opposite axis to have a good looking plot

\begin{axis}[scale only axis,height=5cm,width=7cm,name=first plot,xtick=\empty,]
\addplot {x};
\begin{axis}[scale only axis,height=5cm,width=7cm,name=second plot,
anchor=north west,at={(first plot.south west)}]
\addplot {x};
\begin{axis}[scale only axis,height=10cm,width=7cm,name=third plot,
anchor=north west,at={(first plot.north east)}]
\addplot {x};

enter image description here

  • A another solution comes to my brain, I think it will be fancy to create an invisible table with 2 columns and put the plots inside them.
    – settimed
    Sep 14, 2013 at 16:11

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