I'm getting an error when compiling a resume of moderncv, with pdflatex in Mageia 2 i586 and TEXlive 2011. Why?
First I added the command \moderncvicons{awesome}
, then I added \usepackage{fontawesome}
and \usepackage{fontspec}
. Still getting error mgs, I wrote a simple *.tex file and compiled it with XeLatex, just to try out fontawesome
\usepackage[english, italian]{babel}
Guess what? Yes, still getting errors! Can you please help me understand what's the problem? I even tried looking for TeXlive 2013 for Mageia but it's not out yet.
. Other than that I don't see any error in your code.*File list*
you get in the.log
when using\listfiles
in your input.fontawesome
to theresume.tex