I'm trying to copy the graph of a piecewise function created in GeoGebra into a LaTeX document but all I see are the axes -- no curves. I'm running TexShop and compiling with XeLaTex. In the log file I get the following ominous messages:
** WARNING ** Image format conversion for PSTricks failed.
** WARNING ** Interpreting special command pst: (ps:) failed.
The thing is that simpler graphs, like parabolae and lines seem to be ok --- is this one just way too complicated?
\newrgbcolor{xdxdff}{0.49 0.49 1}
\psset{xunit=1.0cm,yunit=1.0cm,algebraic=true,dotstyle=o,dotsize=3pt 0,linewidth=0.8pt,arrowsize=3pt 2,arrowinset=0.25}
\psaxes[labelFontSize=\scriptstyle,xAxis=true,yAxis=true,Dx=2,Dy=2,ticksize=-2pt 0,subticks=2]{->}(0,0)(-7.88,-10.7)(15.86,6.69)
\psdots[dotsize=4pt 0,linecolor=xdxdff](1,2)
is a good tool for interaction, but like most export feature, the code is not clean. Have a look at What is the clearest way to graph a piecewise function? for home-made, clean code :) Welcome!