Consider a scaled vector field v = (-x, 2x+y-1)
living on the triangle at (0,1), (1,0), and (0,0):
\coordinate (A) at (0,0);
\coordinate (B) at (1,0);
\coordinate (C) at (0,1);
\draw[thick] ($(A)$) -- ($(B)$) -- ($(C)$)-- cycle;
\foreach \x in {1, 2, ..., 10}
\foreach \y in {0, 1, ..., \x}
{\draw [-stealth,blue] ($(B)-(0.1,0)+0.1*(1-\x,\y)$)
-- ++(0.02*\x - 0.2, -0.04*\x + 0.4 +0.02*\y-0.2);}
The output is as follows:
Comparing with the vector fields drawn by MATLAB's quiver
The MATLAB's quiver
command automatically scales the size of the arrow heads according to the magnitude of the vector.
So my question is: how do we scale the size of the arrow heads in TikZ
? Preferably in MATLAB's solution, the vector field vanishes at (0,1)
so there is no arrow there.
For example I googled a little bit, and wonder if pgfmath
could do some calculation about the length variable \l
. Then doing something like will work:
\draw [-stealth,blue, single arrow head extend=\l mm] ($(B)-(0.1,0)+0.1*(1-\x,\y)$)
-- ++(0.02*\x - 0.2, -0.04*\x + 0.4 +0.02*\y-0.2);
command? For example\draw [-stealth,blue, single arrow head extend=\x mm]