I find the standard book class, and others like tufte or memoir, a little "sad" in the end. I mean, look at technical books at a library: they have fancy headers, colors, graphics at page borders, chapter numbers moved around artistically, and the like. They also have what docbook calls "admonitions": little boxes decorated with "warning" or "info" icons. The list can go on further.
I always expected that there would be a flourishing "market" for such classes, but I cannot find much on the web.
Now, I know you can write your own class, but I really don't feel like, for several reasons:
- I am really bad at graphics and the like
- I think a writer should focus on contents, and it's already difficult to master latex as it is
- a class made by someone expert would better meet the "standard" criteria for a good readability
Thank you very much for your attention
EDIT: not that there are not some good classes, but I'd expect you could find hundreds or more, so you can choose the one you like most, and not having every book in the world look the same. There are abundance of choices for less useful things, like desktop themes or worse...
and the KOMA-Script classes allow for high customization. With both » fancy headers, colors, graphics at page borders, chapter numbers moved around« are possible (see tex.stackexchange.com/a/94703/5049 for an example). And there are many different possibilities to define boxes with little icons...