I want to add a right aligned comment in LaTeX after \For command, but it adds an undesired blank line. Please help me.


\For(\tcp*[r]{Incremental calculation of edges}){$i \gets 1$ \textbf{\upshape{to}} $n$}{
\If {$i=1$}
$currentCenter \gets MEAN(x_{R'[2]},\ldots,x_{R'[k_{min}+1]})$\;
$currentSSE \gets SSE(x_{R'[2]},\ldots,x_{R'[k_{min}+1]})$\;


enter image description here

  • please provide a minimal compilable example, starting with \documentclass and ending with \end{document} there is not enough context in your question to give a definitive answer. please also identify what version of algorithm2e is being used -- a recent instance of a very similar situation required code changes because an older version of the package was being used (the current version is 5.0 2013/01/06); it was possible to determine the needed changes from the package documentation. Commented Sep 20, 2013 at 14:43

1 Answer 1


Use \tcp*[f] rather than \tcp*[r]. According to the algorithm2e documentation (section 10.3 comments, p 31):

\tcp*[r] right justified side comment, ends the line (default)

\tcp*[f] right justified comment, without end line; useful with "if-then-else" macros for example

enter image description here

\usepackage{algorithm2e}% http://ctan.org/pkg/algorithm2e
\For(\tcp*[r]{Incremental calculation of edges}){$i \gets 1$ \textbf{\upshape{to}} $n$}{
  \If {$i=1$}
    $currentCenter \gets MEAN(x_{R'[2]},\ldots,x_{R'[k_{min}+1]})$\;
    $currentSSE \gets SSE(x_{R'[2]},\ldots,x_{R'[k_{min}+1]})$\;
\For(\tcp*[f]{Incremental calculation of edges}){$i \gets 1$ \textbf{\upshape{to}} $n$}{
  \If {$i=1$}
    $\variable{currentCenter} \gets \func{MEAN}(x_{R'[2]},\ldots,x_{R'[k_{\min}+1]})$\;
    $\variable{currentSSE} \gets \func{SSE}(x_{R'[2]},\ldots,x_{R'[k_{\min}+1]})$\;

I've added some other formatting as well, since it seems needed.

  • Thank you really. Do publisher really use such complex formatting when publishing a real article or book, or they use a specialized tool? That's really a hard work!
    – remo
    Commented Sep 20, 2013 at 15:22
  • @remo: That's what they use, or perhaps listings, which can auto-format the output. However, I do it that way when working with pseudo-code, and the use of macros for formatting is to promote consistency.
    – Werner
    Commented Sep 20, 2013 at 15:25
  • Is it a limitation that the [f] option doesn't exist for \tcp (not right justified)? There is unfortunately no way to apply your solution for \tcp instead of \tcp*
    – jmon12
    Commented Apr 12, 2021 at 10:25
  • @jmon12: Use \tcp*[h]. See section 10.3 Comments in the algorithm2e documentation.
    – Werner
    Commented Apr 12, 2021 at 16:15
  • Ah yes OK thanks! I've been confused with the role of * in \tcp* since I thought it was the "right justified" version of \tcp. So the logic is that \tcp* can take options (with default [r]), and \tcp cannot.
    – jmon12
    Commented Apr 13, 2021 at 7:17

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