I'm trying to typeset a book with bibliography entries in English, Russian and Japanese. Getting the bibliography to work right is driving me mad. I have got pretty close (I think) by cobbling together various answers from tex.se, but I'm still a little way away.

I think I have to use biblatex for this. biblatex doesn't support polyglossia so I have to use babel. No problem there. There is some support for Japanese in Babel as per http://oku.edu.mie-u.ac.jp/~okumura/texwiki/?Babel

This is as far as I've got:

\newfontinstance\greekfont{Gentium Plus}
\setCJKmainfont[Scale=MatchUppercase]{Hiragino Mincho Pro}
\setromanfont{Gentium Plus}

        Author = { ボハン, デ},
        Title = { 過去及び現在に於ける英国教会と正教会 },
        Journal = { 正教時報 },
        Volume = { 17 },
        Edition = { 9 },
        Year = { 1928 },
        Pages = { 5-9 },
        Keywords = {primary},
    Hyphenation = { japanese },
    Language = { japanese }

        Author = { Дубровин, А. И },
        Title = { Открытое письмо Председателя Главного Совета Союза Русского Народа А. И. Дубровина от 2 декабря 1906 года митрополиту Санкт-Петербургскому Антонию, Первенствующему члену Священного Синода },
        Journal = { Вече },
        Volume = {  },
        Edition = { 97 },
        Year = { 1906 },
        Month = { 7 дек. 1906 },
        Pages = { 1-3 },
        Keywords = {primary},
    Hyphenation = { russian },
    Language = { russian }

        Author = { Brumbaugh, Thoburn T },
        Title = { The Protestant Handicap in Japan. },
        Journal = { Christian Century },
        Volume = 64,
        Edition = 23,
        Year = { 1947 },
        Month = { 4 June 1947 },
        Pages = { 708-709 },
        Keywords = {primary},
    Hyphenation = { english },
    Language = { english }




Which outputs

Brumbaugh, Thoburn T (Apr. 1947). “The Protestant Handicap in Japan.” In: Christian Century 64, pp. 708–709.
Дубровин, А. И (июл. 1906). «Открытое письмо Председателя Главного Совета Союза Русского Народа А. И. Дубровина от 2 декабря 1906 года митрополиту Санкт-Петербургскому Антонию, Первенствующему члену Священного Си- нода». Русский. В: Вече, с. 1—3.
ボハン, デ (1928). ?過去及び現在に於ける英国教会と正教会? japanese. In: 正教時報 17, pp. 5– 9.

There is no support for Japanese in csquotes, so my quotes don't work. Also biblatex seems intent on putting the language tag into the body of the citation, which I don't want, and the auxilliary text ("In:", "pp.") in the Japanese entry is still in English.

Can I get any better than this?

  • With XeTeX, you don't need babel package at all. Use polyglossia package when necessary. And do not use xltxtra, xunicode, or \CJKglue yourself. It is rather complicated to configure biblatex to support Russian and Japanese properly, and the language entry is not designed for multilingual support.
    – Leo Liu
    Commented Sep 26, 2013 at 4:18
  • AFAIK, biblatex does not directly support multilingual bibliography entries with different auxilliary texts in one document. You can choose one language while loading the package via \usepackage[russian]{biblatex} only.
    – Leo Liu
    Commented Sep 26, 2013 at 4:24
  • 2
    The field to change the language is hyphenation, language specifies the language the work is written in (so could be ("latin and german") as well). While Russian is supported by both csquotes and biblatex, Japanese isn't at all, so you will have to do some defining on your own (see csquotes.def for csquote's language definitions and ruissian.lbx/english.lbx for biblatex's). The biblatex maintainers did some work on a multi script version of biblatex, that might be what you are looking for, but it is as of now unreleased.
    – moewe
    Commented Sep 26, 2013 at 4:28
  • 4
    For information, Joseph Wright has just contributed a change to the biblatex 2.8 DEV branch which seems to fix at least basic polyglossia support for bib string switching, just like babel.
    – PLK
    Commented Sep 28, 2013 at 12:52
  • 1
    Entirely wrong comment by @LeoLiu. Use babel with xetex as babel-russian is supported by native Russians in contrast to gloss-russian from polyglossia bundle. Use biblatex-gost with biblatex as it is also supported by native Russian librarian. Commented Apr 14, 2016 at 12:05

1 Answer 1


I assume the OP has finished his book by now, but I found a solution and thought I'd share it anyway. With the csquotes package, a custom quote style can be declared with \DeclareQuoteStyle. The undesired "In: " can be removed from all citations using \renewbibmacro{in:}{}, and the page numbers can be omitted only for Japanese entries using the following:

      {\DeclareFieldFormat{pages}{#1}} % if true
      {} % if false

The output and full code are below.

enter image description here

% !TEX TS-program = xelatex
% !BIB TS-program = biber

\setCJKmainfont[Scale=MatchUppercase]{Hiragino Mincho Pro}
\newfontfamily{\cyrillicfont}{Minion Pro}


\renewbibmacro{in:}{} % removes "In:"
      {\DeclareFieldFormat{pages}{#1}} % if true
      {} % if false

        Author = { ボハン, デ},
        Title = { 過去及び現在に於ける英国教会と正教会 },
        Journal = { 正教時報 },
        Volume = { 17 },
        Edition = { 9 },
        Year = { 1928 },
        Pages = { 5-9 },
        Keywords = {primary},
    langid = { japanese },
%    Language = { japanese }

        Author = { Дубровин, А. И },
        Title = { Открытое письмо Председателя Главного Совета Союза Русского Народа А. И. Дубровина от 2 декабря 1906 года митрополиту Санкт-Петербургскому Антонию, Первенствующему члену Священного Синода },
        Journal = { Вече },
%        Volume = {  },
        Edition = { 97 },
        Year = { 1906 },
        Month = { 7 дек. 1906 },
        Pages = { 1-3 },
        Keywords = {primary},
    langid = { russian },
%    Language = { russian }

        Author = { Brumbaugh, Thoburn T },
        Title = { The Protestant Handicap in Japan. },
        Journal = { Christian Century },
        Volume = 64,
        Edition = 23,
        Year = { 1947 },
        Month = { 4 June 1947 },
        Pages = { 708-709 },
        Keywords = {primary},
    langid = { english },
%    Language = { english }



  • 3
    To be honest, I ended up coding the bibliography by hand. Commented May 7, 2016 at 6:38

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