I wish to create a block of text with tight horizontal lines above and below, e.g.
This is a paragraph.
The following example seems to produce more space between the paragraph and the horizontal line below than the horizontal line above.
\noindent This is a paragraph, possibly with more than 1 line of text.\\ \noindent\rule{\linewidth}{0.4pt}
As far as I understand, this behaviour is due to the way rules are formatted in LaTeX. I would prefer a solution that gives me the same space between the paragraph and both lines and have the lines fairly close to the paragraph. Ideally, the solution should not make use of any additional packages and be robust to changes in font, font size, text formatting, and line spacing. I have read that \offinterlineskip may solve this problem, but wanted to check if this is indeed the preferred solution and how to implement it to avoid breaking anything else.