I try to create an english bibliography in TexShop on Mac. What I want is a bibliography formatted in plaindin like this:
[1] Woods, W. A.: What’s in a Link: Foundations for Semantic Networks. In: Bobrow, D. G. (eds.) ; Collins, A. (eds.): Representation and Understanding. Academic Press, 1975, S. 35–82
However, the output I get is:
[1] Woods, W. A.: What’s in a Link: Foundations for Semantic Networks. In: Bobrow, D. G. (Hrsg.) ; Collins, A. (Hrsg.): Representation and Understanding. Academic Press, 1975, S. 35–82
Note, that the difference is "eds." and "Hrsg.".
The code of my .tex document is:
Test \cite{Woods:75a}
The content of mylit.bib is:
Author = {Woods, W. A.},
Booktitle = {Representation and Understanding},
Editor = {Bobrow, D. G. and Collins, A.},
Pages = {35--82},
Publisher = {Academic Press},
Title = {What's in a Link: Foundations for Semantic Networks},
Year = {1975}}
So, why do I get the german format? The system language of my computer is german. Can I change the bibliography language to english, or set the default langauge to english for latex?
Thanks for your help, Mirko