I'm using moderncv and when I write this:




\cvcomputer{yyyy}{\textbf{zzzzzzzzzzz} zzzzzzzzzzz}{}{}{\bigbreak}{\medbreak}


I have this error :

! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [parameter stack size=10000].

So how can I fixe it ?

Thanks you very much ! :)


1 Answer 1


The email link in moderncv is formatted via the \emaillink macro:

% makes an email hyperlink
% usage: \emaillink[optional text]{link}

These elements cannot be combined explicitly with colour the way you do it. You would have to update \emaillink to format the text colour (in your preamble):

% makes an email hyperlink
% usage: \emaillink[optional text]{link}

and then use


enter image description here

Perhaps a better approach would be to allow the user to specify

% \email[<optional email formatting/display>]{<email>}

but this would require some inner workings of the class.


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