There is a reference I have to use, which is just an URL but there is a wave line (tilde) located in the middle of the URL. I don't know how to express it exactly. The code I used now is as follows:
@misc{33_oxfordvgg,note = {\url{}},}
In addition, I have put this code below in the front of the latex file,
But, in the result showing in the final PDF file, the wave line is just located in the top and I could not use it to find the correct URL.
\usepackage[pagebackref=true,breaklinks=false,letterpaper=true,colorlinks = brack,bookmarks=false]{hyperref}
And it turns out to show the reference in the pdf in the way below, just the picture shows,
In fact, the waveline in loacted in the middle. But the result in the reference is located in the top. So I could not go to the correct webpage after I click on the reference of the url on the pdf file.
Does anyone know how to solve this?