I am a TeX (not LaTeX) user (and a member of UK TeX user group) of many years and produce macros for maths and complex tables. I include some hyper text links within a document using the Y&Y dvipsone and their \special{button: ... and \special{mark:. ...

dvipsone is no longer supported, so when we move to 64-bit computing, which DVI ... package supports these same hyperlink options?

Are there any macro packages for TeX like the LaTeX package hyperref?

Are there any good examples / manuals so that I can easily get control of how produce my own links, etc.? I am interested in being able to insert various 'pdf' type features into our publications and almanacs going into the future.

  • I take it you don't need driver independence: is an answer that hard-codes dvips use acceptable? (I presume you'll be sticking to a DVI -> PS -> PDF route.)
    – Joseph Wright
    Commented Oct 28, 2013 at 15:16
  • I am looking for the best way forward. I/we have a huge investment in TeX (no LATeX), producing very specialist material. We currently include some eps graphics and some shading. I am interested in getting a solution which include what we areleady have (even if there needs to be some changes), but also all the pdf capabilities. Commented Oct 29, 2013 at 9:32

1 Answer 1


Looking at the catalogue, the only recent thing i can find is the navigator package (a fairly recent thing; i thought there was another, but i can't currently find it). the documentation of navigator looks fairly promising.

  • following joseph's comment, i would point out that navigator requires pdftex, xetex or luatex. it doesn't work with unadorned tex. Commented Oct 28, 2013 at 15:33

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