I would like to typeset a partitioned matrix in LaTeX with dashed lines. After a quick search on TeX.SE, I found this post with a nice example of such matrices. I tried it on my computer and the result looks "flat". By "flat", I mean that the matrix doesn't look square.

Here is my example :


\[ \Gamma = \left(\begin{array}{c:c} \Gamma_{A} & \Gamma_{AB} \\ \hdashline (\Gamma_{AB})^\top & \Gamma_{B} \end{array} \right) \]

Here is the result of the previous code :

enter image description here

How can I make the matrix look square ?

1 Answer 1


You can move the lines further apart by specifying arraystretch:

Sample output



  \Gamma = \left({\renewcommand*{\arraystretch}{1.5}
      \Gamma_{A} & \Gamma_{AB} \\
      (\Gamma_{AB})^\top & \Gamma_{B}


Here I have localised the change to a group containing the array.

An alternative way to tweak this, avoid the delimiters increasing too much is to add inisible vertical rules of appropiate height / depth:

Second sample



  \Gamma = \left(
      \vrule width 0pt depth 6pt \Gamma_A & \Gamma_{AB} \\
      \vrule width 0pt height 12pt (\Gamma_{AB})^\top & \Gamma_{B}


but choosing the correct values here is rather more ad hoc.


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