I'm trying to create a \tbd (To Be Done) macro to add a todonote on a chapter/section/subsection/etc easily with the following properties.

  • to have a useful list of todos with a simple macro call: the todolist entry should represent the place of the todo inside the structure of the document (in the chapter named "C" it should have "TBD: C", in section "S" inside "C" it should have "TBD: C/S")
  • to avoid redundancy: I don't want to type the section title as a caption parameter each and every time. What if I want to change the title?
  • to display TBD in the note only (this seems to be more elegant)
  • preferred: keep the name of the command as \section (and others) (with the use of an optional argument maybe?)
  • preferred (but seems to be unlikely): without messing with the definition of section and friends
  • preferred (but seems to be really messy): with the todonote "pointing" at the title

Note: I've considered the possibility to put \tbd inside the section command (\section{title\tbd}) for the todonote to point at the right place, but this seems to be more pain than gain. Especially if I want to use the title...

Something like this (the blue bordered things are on different pages):

enter image description here

Is there a macro/package for this or does any of you have a similar implementation?

Example is shown using a half (or less) solution. Can I list the current stack of chapter/section/etc somehow?



\newcommand\treeloc{dummy} % this should be replaced

\newcommand\tbd{\todo[caption={TBD: \treeloc}]{TBD}}












And \treeloc should be changed for the todolist to have these instead of dummies:

  • C-1/S-1
  • C-2
  • C-2/S-2/SS-1

I'm going to work on this, but I thought this was a nice question.

References (I'm considering to use):


2 Answers 2



This does it by parsing \thesubsection, and printing something out if the respective units are not equal to 0. The relevant routines are \getss and \gets.

\newcommand\tbd{\todo[caption={TBD: \treeloc}]{TBD}}












enter image description here

  • Update: I've tested this poorly. I wanted titles in the treeloc text instead of C-0 and C-1 independently from titles. I will submit my edited version as an answer soon.
    – masu
    Commented Nov 8, 2013 at 9:42

Here's my solution which fits my specification better:

enter image description here


\usepackage[a5paper,margin=2cm,bindingoffset=0cm,marginparwidth=1.6cm,marginparsep=0.2cm]{geometry} % for demo only





        ??\@latex@warning{\textbackslash treeloc called outside of structure}
            \ /\ \thissectionname%
                \ /\ \thissubsectionname%
                    \ /\ \thissubsubsectionname%

    \todo[caption={TBD: \expandafter\treeloc}]{TBD}


TREELOC: \treeloc

\chapter{Chapter one}\tbd
TREELOC: \treeloc

\section{Section one}\tbd
TREELOC: \treeloc

\subsection{Subsection one}\tbd
TREELOC: \treeloc

\subsubsection{Subsubsection one}\tbd
TREELOC: \treeloc

\subsection{Subsection two}\tbd
TREELOC: \treeloc

%\chapter*{Not indexed chapter}\tbd
%TREELOC: \treeloc

%\chapter*{Unset chapter}\resetnamelevel{0}\tbd
%TREELOC: \treeloc

\chapter*{Manually named chapter}\chaptername{Manually named chapter}\tbd
TREELOC: \treeloc

\section*{Manually named section}\sectionname{Manually named section}\tbd
TREELOC: \treeloc



If there's no chapter name set, then a warning is raised and ?? is displayed.

enter image description here

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