Trying to get all CAPS chapter titles. Using the following, only the ToC chapter title is all CAPS:




\chapter{Sample Title}


What does one do to get Preface, and Sample Title to be in all CAPS as well?


1 Answer 1


According to the memoir user manual, a chapter title is set via \printchaptertitle. An example of its usage and redefinition for the bringhurst chapter style (section 20.4.1 The chapter style, p 354) is:

%% Bringhurst chapter style
    \vskip\onelineskip \hrule\vskip\onelineskip}

It's obvious how \printchapterstyle has been redefined to set the contents in lowercase. In a similar vein, you're most like after


Here is a complete MWE:

enter image description here

\documentclass{memoir}% http://ctan.org/pkg/memoir

\chapter{Sample Title}

  • Thanks. Obviously, I am going to have to move my making of a compleat, documented memoir template up the priority stack.
    – WillAdams
    Commented Nov 12, 2013 at 13:50

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