Is there any way I can fit a sideways figure using the rotating package onto the same page as the title of the section?




\subsection{My sideways figure}

    \fill[blue] (0,0) rectangle(2,1.5);  
\caption{Box plot of number of positions sent per iteration using this scheme}


P.S. Credit to @Jubobs for his example of how to use the rotatingpackage (how to turn latex figure by 90 degrees along with the caption?).

  • What about either using a normal figure environment and just rotate the picture by enclosing the tikzpicture environment in \rotatebox{90}{...picture...}, or if you want to rotate the caption as well, using the solution here?
    – Thruston
    Commented Nov 13, 2013 at 18:17

1 Answer 1


An elemental approach with two turn environments and minipages. The result is the same with or without the added Lore ipsum dummy text.



\subsection{My sideways figure}
    \fill[blue] (0,0) rectangle(2,1.5);  
\caption{Box plot of number of positions sent per iteration using this scheme.}

  • that feels like a dirt hack, but i worked and i was able to combine a rotated picture+caption with a section in one page, so ...yeaah. Commented Sep 7, 2014 at 17:06

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