Would it be possible to draw a data flow diagram in LaTeX as follow? if so, how? (actually I am only puzzled with the bounding box).
Thanks a lot
Edit: the following code will get me everything except the bounding box can anyone pls help?
every matrix/.style={ampersand replacement=\&,column sep=2cm,row sep=.6cm},
source/.style={draw,thick,rounded corners,fill=yellow!20,inner sep=.3cm},
datastore/.style={draw,very thick,shape=datastore,inner sep=.3cm},
to/.style={->,>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,semithick,font=\rmfamily\scriptsize},
every node/.style={align=center}]
% Position the nodes using a matrix layout
\node[source] (a) {A}; \& \& \\
\& \& \node[source] (b) {B};\\
\node[source] (c) {C}; \& \node[source] (d) {D};\\
\& \& \node[source] (e) {E};\\
\node[source] (f) {F}; \& \& \\
% Draw the arrows between the nodes and label them.
\draw[to] (a) -- node[midway,above] {raw events}
node[midway,below] {level 0} (c);
\draw[to] (c) -- node[midway,right] {raw event data\\level 1} (f);
\draw[to] (f) to[bend right=20] node[midway,above] {events}
node[midway,below] {level 1} (d);
\draw[to] (d)-- node[midway,above] {events}
node[midway,below] {level 1} (b);
\draw[to] (d) -- node[midway,above] {events}
node[midway,below] {level 1} (e);
library would probably be useful[tikz-pgf] fit flow
. The third find on Google should also be helpful.