I have a lot of tables and figures to include in my thesis. I am using sidewaysfigure to include them in a full-page landscape view. I need to put 90 degrees-oriented figures if the page is on the left side (even page number) and -90 degrees-oriented figures if the page is on the right side (odd page number). With the code below I obtain random orientation with no respect to the page number. In the code below you'll find 3 important examples for my theis corresponding to 1 figure and 2 tables all of them put in sidewaysfigure environment. Is there any solution obtain what I want ? Note that I haven't know how to separate the LaTex code with the text in this forum.
..... % Figure 1:
\caption{Localisation géographique}
\caption*{{Conception de l'auteur, Données S.I.G: \ac{OTEDD} [2013]}}
% Table 1 (Part 1/2 of the table divided into to pages)
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{c >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{1.8cm} >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{4.4cm} >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{3.5cm} X}
\textbf{Année} & {\textbf{Auteur}} & {\textbf{Article}} & {\textbf{Revue}} & \centering{\textbf{Apport théorique / empirique}} \tabularnewline
Text & Text & Text & Text \\
Text & Text & Text & Text \\
\caption{Chronologie des études (1/2)}
\caption*{Source: Conception de l'auteur}
% Table 2 (Part 2/2 of the table divided into to pages)
\begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{c >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{1.8cm} >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{4.4cm} >{\centering\arraybackslash}m{3.5cm} X}
\textbf{Année} & {\textbf{Auteur}} & {\textbf{Article}} & {\textbf{Revue}} & \centering{\textbf{Apport théorique / empirique}} \tabularnewline
Text & Text & Text & Text \\
Text & Text & Text & Text \\
\caption{Chronologie des études (2/2)}
\caption*{Source: Conception de l'auteur}