To emphasize the connection between the main formula and the three explanatory lines, I'd place them all in an align*
environment. No real need to clutter up the picture with text bullets.
\DeclareMathOperator{\E}{E} % define the expectation operator symbol
\E[g(x)] &= \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} f_X(x) g(x) \, \mathrm{d}x\\
x &\ \text{is a continuous random variable,}\\
f_X(x) &\ \text{is the pdf of $x$, and}\\
g(x) &\ \text{is a function of $x$.}
If more space is desired between the variables and the explanatory text, one could replace &\
with &\quad
Second proposed solution, incorporating information that this is part of a beamer
\E[g(x)]&{}= \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} f_X(x) g(x)\, \textnormal{d}x, \text{ where}\\[0.75ex]
x &\text{is a continuous random variable,}\\
f_X(x) &\text{is the pdf of $x$, and}\\
g(x) &\text{is a function of $x$.}
Observe that because the main text font is not a "roman"/serif font, it's better to use \mathnormal
than \mathrm
to set the "differential operator" symbol d
in upright shape.
and then\item[$x$]{is a continuous random variable.}