When a dot is part of a formula or is a single dot (i.e. separated by spaces from other formula parts) it is interpreted as an adduct:
\ch{Na2SO4. 10 H2O}
The same will happen to consecutive dots \ch{...}
If it is only together with numbers it is interpreted as the decimal mark:
\ch{1.5 Fe}
Here are three possibilities achieving what you want, one of them being simply \ldots
as mentioned in the comments. The first version (which I wouldn't use as it looks not so nice) uses chemformula
's escaping between " "
. The third version uses the math escaping where chemformula
adds the same space after it as after a stoichiometric factor (this could be changed with the math-space
manual solution (looks bad IMHO) &
\ch{"..." Fe + "..." O2 -> Fe3O4} \\
\texttt{\string\ldots} &
\ch{\ldots Fe + \ldots O2 -> Fe3O4} \\
with spacing of stoichiometric factor &
\ch{$\ldots{}$ Fe + $\ldots{}$ O2 -> Fe3O4}