Some guidelines suggest the use of use small caps for abbreviations. I have an issue with the following one: iTRAQ. Here are some guidelines on mixed small-upper case abbreviations. I do want to keep the small-caps version visually as close as possible to the standard one.
, i\textsc{traq}
, and i\kern.07em\textsc{traq}
look like this with the font charter:
The i in the two capitalized versions is larger than the small-caps afterwards and also TRAQ is lighter than the other text. Is there a good general solution for mixed-case abbreviations?
Update 1. Charter does not use real small caps, but scales the font, that's why TRAQ is so light. With kpfonts
, which has true small caps, it looks slightly better, but still strange as the i
is larger than the caps:
Update 2. Using Barbara Beeton's/tugboat's solution, I am happy with the result (second variant in the image):
Using small
in normalsize
environment, etc., to have fake (or true?) small-caps produces an results which is, for my eyes, visually appealing. The abbreviations are slightly lighter than true small-caps, but I can life with that for the benefit of having an universal solution.
is an affectation, unless this is a trademark.\SMC
(accessed by a derivative command\acro
) to set caps one size smaller (but still using caps). the code is fairly involved, but we like the results. see the fileltugboat.cls
; it is included in a full tex live installation, or can be found on ctan.