For a presentation, I would like to reveal several items in a list in succession. Right now, the code is as follows; the corresponding (and desired) output is shown at the bottom of my post.



  \item stay
      \item<2-> one
      \item<3-> two
      \item<4-> three
  \item stay 2
      \item<5-> and four
        % \item<> Ooops, forgot something
      \item<6-> and five


How can I automate (counters?) the revealing of the items such that there be no need to increase the numbers in <...> by hand. If I need to include one more \item somewhere at the beginning, increasing every subsequent <...> is tedious. I'm thinking about something like a new '\itemnext item I forgot'...

enter image description here

  • 1
    Does this answer help you (using the \pause command) ?
    – Ludovic C.
    Commented Dec 8, 2013 at 14:15
  • 1
    you are looking for the +- operator, that allows for incremental overlay specifications, check section 9.6.4 of the manual (p. 89).
    – d-cmst
    Commented Dec 8, 2013 at 14:16
  • Wow, thx to all of you. The last one might be the one I searched for. Nevertheless, the other comments are interesting as well. Others might have a look into the documentation ;-) and I forgot about the \pause command that helps here, too. Commented Dec 8, 2013 at 14:32

1 Answer 1


Get rid of all your \item overlay specifications and simply pass <+(1)-> as optional argument to the two inner itemize environments: \begin{itemise}[<+(1)->]. The 1 acts as an offset here; it delays the appearance of the first item by one slide. See subsubsection 9.6.4 in the beamer manual for more details.



  \item stay
      \item one
      \item two
      \item three
  \item stay 2
      \item and four
        % \item<> Ooops, forgot something
      \item and five


enter image description here

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