I'm currently a presentation based on a paper originally written in Latex. Currently, I use Kile and Ubuntu for my work.
What I'm finding is that I need a large number of the equations from the original paper scattered around the presentations (and are using them to annotate diagrams etc). My current method of screenshots + gimp is rather slow :)
So, what I would like to do is compile the tex document and instead of creating a pdf/dvi, I would like it to spit out a number of files, which each file being one of the equations from the document, preferably in a vector format, but I will live with a PNG if I have to, so long as it's of high enough resolution.
I've had a look at a number of utilities.
The following web utility: http://www.codecogs.com/latex/eqneditor.php does more or less what I want for an individually typed equation. However, I've used a lot of mactros in equations that make it a little messy to use (for example)
\newcommand{\SkewSymmetric}[1]{\ensuremath{ \left[ #1 \right]_{\times}}}
I've had a look at pdf2svg, but it doesn't quite do what I want - I still need to crop out the equation of interest.
Is there anything else I should look at?