I'm using the small capital font \textsc{MyAlgorithm} several times inside my algorithm2e environment as follows:

\documentclass[a4paper, english]{article}


\FuncSty{${\textsc{FirstAlgorithm}}(a, b))$} \Begin{
  $ X \leftarrow \textsc{AnotherAlgorithm}(c, d)$\;


I don't undestand why FirstAlgorithm has a completely and unexpected (looks like \textit) font and AnotherAlgorithm later looks as it should? Any ideas?

1 Answer 1


\FuncSty sets its argument using \texttt, which is inherited by \textsc (from algorithm2e.sty):


Technically you don't need \FuncSty in this instance, but I'd suggest defining a macro to perform your function name formatting consistently:

enter image description here

\usepackage[ruled,linesnumbered,vlined]{algorithm2e}% http://ctan.org/pkg/algorithm2e


  \FuncSty{${\textsc{FirstAlgorithm}}(a, b))$}
    $ X \leftarrow \textsc{AnotherAlgorithm}(c, d)$\;

  $\FuncName{FirstAlgorithm}(a, b)$
    $X \leftarrow \FuncName{AnotherAlgorithm}(c, d)$\;


Your use of the ruled style provided by algorithm2e does not seem appropriate (the double-rule at the top is supposed to contain an algorithm \caption).

  • Pretty good explanation. I'll pay attention to this in the future.
    – Daniel F
    Commented Dec 15, 2013 at 18:35

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